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How to add multiple staff to a single job assignment
How to add multiple staff to a single job assignment

Use the ad-hoc crews feature to assign multiple staff members to a job assignment

Shawn Flahave avatar
Written by Shawn Flahave
Updated over a year ago

Sometimes it is necessary to assign a job to two or more staff members, or a "crew". Fielder provides a way to do this easily, without having to define the crews ahead of time. We refer to this as the "ad-hoc crews" feature. This article will briefly explain how to use this feature.

You can add multiple staff to a job assignment using the Edit Job Assignment dialog. First, drag a job onto the grid on the Dispatch screen for one of assigned staff members, at the desired date and time.

Then double-click on the assignment box to open the Edit Job Assignment dialog:

The Crew field allows you to select multiple field techs. This is the "ad-hoc" crew for this assignment. We say "ad-hoc" because this crew is not a permanent named grouping of staff members - it only applies to a single job assignment. This gives you the flexibility easily use a different grouping of staff members for other assignments on other days, for example, rather than having to set up and manage rigid "crews" ahead of time.

To change the makeup of the crew, click on the Crews field and then select or deselect staff members, as shown in the following screenshot. Then click Save.

Now the Dispatch grid will show an assignment box for each member of the ad-hoc crew. If you click on any of them, they will all be highlighted so you can easily see who is part of the crew for that assignment. You can drag any one of those boxes horizontally, or drag its right edge, to change the start and/or end times, and all of the boxes will be updated simultaneously.

You can easily replace one crew member with another by dragging the appropriate assignment box vertically to the new staff member's row. Another way to change the dates, crews, and other details of the assignment is to double-click on any of the assignment boxes to bring the Edit Job Assignment dialog back up. Make your changes, and then click Save.

If you have any other questions, or need a hand with scheduling jobs, reach out in the Messenger and our support team will be happy to help! 😎

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